By Mary Massey
Los Alamos National Labs offer boundless opportunities for high school students through summer internships and camps, LANL representatives told Early College Opportunities students during a presentation Jan. 28.
Junior Hamilton, a LANL recruiter, said LANL’s programs provide “a great opportunity to explore different areas of your career paths.”
The representatives emphasized internships are not only offered in science-related careers but also in business, human resources and administration.
Deadlines for applications are fast approaching for paid summer internships with April 15 as the deadline for current juniors to apply. Applicants must be 16, have maintained a 2.75 GPA and pass a new employment drug test. The pay rate for high school students is $16.50 an hour.
Feb. 14 is the deadline for this year’s graduating seniors for Computational Sciences, Engineering, or Physical Sciences internships. Deadlines vary for other occupations. Graduating seniors can also take advantage of enrolling in special paid college programs. including to become machinists.
Rebecca Estrada, LANL’s higher education specialist for workforce development, explained, “It all depends what you are interested in. There’s a place for you.”
For assistance in applying, contact Diane Pierce, ECO Community Liaison., or LANL’s Angelica Lopez, Program Manager, High School Internships & Special Programs (505) 479-1151 angelical@lanl.go
Internship Guidebook for Students
Search Jobs | Los Alamos National Laboratory
Student Programs | Los Alamos National Laboratory
Summer Camps:
Summer Physics Camp for Young Women | Los Alamos National Laboratory
Wildfire Simulation and Data Visualization Camp | LANL
BEAM - Bridging Education in Optics and Applied STEM | LANL